Tuesday, October 6, 2009

West Sumatra Earthquake

nasional.vivanews.com :

Victim Soul & 704 Thousand 101 Buildings Destroyed
Another 295 people are still missing with the most amount of Padang Pariaman.

VIVAnews - Until tonight, at 20:00, Tuesday, October 6, 2009, the Implementation Coordination Unit for Disaster Management of West Sumatra have found 704 deaths caused by the earthquake and 30 September. In addition, 101,653 buildings destroyed.

Satkorlak launch casualties scattered in seven districts and cities in West Sumatra, namely:
- Padang City : 328 people
- Padang Pariaman District : 292 people
- Pariaman City : 37 people
- Pesisir Selatan District : 4 people
- Solok District : 3 people
- Pasaman Barat : 3 people
- Agam District : 32 people

While missing some 295 people, with details of 237 in Padang Pariaman, Agam and 54 at 4 in Padang. Then that 746 people were seriously injured and 1344 slightly injured people.

Aka Wake damaged destroyed reached 101,653, 48,966 buildings were damaged and 49,026 slightly damaged. Buildings in the form of educational facilities damaged in the 897 with the details of 561 units of Padang, Padang Pariaman 196 units and 43 units in Agam. Then educational facilities were damaged and 581 lightly damaged 459.

Health facilities severely damaged 45, which was damaged slightly damaged 24 and 23. Then 159 offices damaged, 61 destroyed and 64 were slightly damaged. Thankfully, all the buildings owned by the Government of West Sumatera Province is insured.

While the incoming aid to the sixth day post-earthquake reached Rp 17 billion. Assistance comes from government agencies and the private sector was either in or outside the country.

Report Eri Naldi | Padang