Friday, October 9, 2009

Two Terrorists Killed At Large :

JAKARTA (SI) - Two fugitives suspected terrorists and M SYAIFUDIN Syahrir Zuhri declared dead in a raid by Special Detachment Team (densus) 88 Police Headquarters in a house in Ciputat yesterday.

Police are not sure they SYAIFUDIN Zuhri and M Syahrir because it is still waiting for forensic identification. "Guess we are two DPO (search the list of people), which is SYAIFUDIN Zuhri and M Syahrir," said Head of Public Relations Division Inspector General of Police Police Headquarters in Jakarta Nanan Soekarna yesterday. We have two members of the terrorist's body was examined at the Hospital Police forensic Kramatjati, Jakarta. According to the Hospital Director Kramat Jati Police Brig Aidy Rawas, to speed up the identification process, last night was also conducted DNA tests of the family as a sample.

Identification results will be announced Monday (12/10) front. SYAIFUDIN Zuhri and M Syahrir accused of being members of terrorist networks involved in the blowing Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton Hotel on July 17, police 2009.Data, M Syahrir has special features with 165 cm tall, round head shape, eye color black, and forms of thin lips. Police detected a citizen Syahrir Kampung Melayu, Teluk Naga, Tangerang and Sukmajaya, Depok, West Java.

The special feature is SYAIFUDIN Zuhri has 165 cm height with a round shape eyebrows, dark eyes, thick lips form, and there is a black eye bags. Syahrir recorded by the police as members of Perum Telaga Kahuripan, Parung, Bogor, West Java. The raids on the two members of the terrorist was carried out in a boarding house in Jalan Semanggi II Kelurahan Cempaka Putih, Ciputat at around 11:15 pm. According to Nanan, densus team forced 88 second shot for refusing to surrender when given a warning.