Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ulama: No reflection Princess Qory Aceh :

Banda Aceh (ANTARA News) - The election Qory Sandrioriva became Miss Indonesia 2009 is very regrettable ulama Aceh, because they do not reflect a princess from the area of implementing the Islamic Shari'a.

"Qory not a reflection of the daughter of Aceh. For that, he had no right on behalf of the people of Aceh. This is our regret," said Secretary Dayah Ulama Aceh (HUDA), Tgk. Faisal Aly in Banda Aceh, Saturday, responding to election Qory Sandrioriva became Miss Indonesia 2009.

At the peak of election night Putri Indonesia (PPI) in 2009 in Ancol, Jakarta, Saturday morning, defeating two finalists Qory Putri Indonesia, namely, Zukhriatul Hafizah from West Sumatra and Isti Ayu Pratiwi of North Maluku.

He states, does not represent the actual Qory Aceh, because in this area has never been elections Putri Indonesia.

Mentioned, scholars Aceh is not a priori with the daughter of Aceh. Activity was okay as far as not eliminate identity as a local son who have the Islamic culture is so strong.

"Should be followed Qory daughter Indonesian elections, he was right. But to ordain as a daughter of Aceh could not, because he could not maintain the cultural characteristics of Islamic Aceh," he said.

For that, mengibau Faisal told the girls to always maintain a strong Acehnese culture with Islam.

"Do not be easily influenced by western culture that is contrary to Islam. I think there are many other ways to become famous by not sacrificing local culture and religion," he said. (*)